Archives for May 6, 2022

Cheers to 35 Years

In 2022, we’re celebrating our 35th anniversary of being in business. Throughout the year, we’ll be sharing more about our past and how we’ve grown into the company we are today. We’re proud to be a women-owned and operated business that has persevered through the years. To celebrate, we put together a list of 35 facts ranging from small business knowledge to info on recruitment agencies to statistics and more. Read on to learn more about us, what it means to be a small business, and how we’ve defied the odds!

    1. Med-Scribe is certified as a small women-owned business both nationally (WBENC) and within New York State (WBE)
    2. There are 32.5 million small businesses in the USA (SBA, 2021)
    3. Small businesses create 1.5 million jobs annually (Fundera, 2019)
    4. Small and medium-sized businesses are the major drivers of economic growth (SalesForce, 2019)
    5. Nine out of 10 employees said temporary staffing made them more employable (Timerack, 2021)
    6. Med-Scribe is an Equal Opportunity Employer
    7. Healthcare staffing agencies make up 9% of total recruitment agencies in the US (Murray Resources, 2019)
    8. The US has 12.3 million women-owned businesses (Fundera, 2020)
    9. 31% of small businesses didn’t make it through COVID (Facebook, 2020)
    10. More than 20% of small businesses don’t make it past their first year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021)
    11. Med-Scribe places upwards of 400 candidates annually!
    12. 73% of staffing employees work full time (American Staffing Association, 2022)
    13. The biggest challenge for small businesses is reported to be labor quality (NFIB, 2021)
    14. Women-owned businesses generate $1.8 trillion each year (Fundera, 2020)
    15. There are 114% more women entrepreneurs than there were 20 years ago (Fundera, 2020)
    16. About 3.1 million people are working in the staffing industry every day (Timerack, 2021)
    17. 16 million temporary employees are hired every year (Timerack, 2021)
    18. Over 99% of America’s businesses are small businesses (JP Morgan Chase)
    19. The average lifespan of a small business is 8.5 years (Nav)
    20. Med-Scribe’s internal recruitment team has grown from just 2 employees, up to a team of 15, with 9 dedicated full time recruiters.
    21. Workers hired by staffing and recruitment agencies have proven to be highly skilled and experienced (Murray Resources, 2019)
    22. 64% of new women-owned businesses were started by women of color in 2019 (Fundera, 2020)
    23. New York small businesses were reportedly hit the hardest during the pandemic compared to other states (US Census Bureau)
    24. 69% of start-ups begin at home (Small Biz Trends)
    25. Between 1997 and 2007, women-owned businesses added half a million jobs in the US (Fundera, 2020)
    26. There are over 20,000 staffing and recruitment agencies in the US (Murray Resources, 2019)
    27. Women make up 65% of the healthcare workforce (Forbes, 2020)
    28. 15% of women-owned businesses are in the healthcare or social industry (American Express, 2019)
    29. According to BLS, the healthcare industry occupations account for 14 of the 30 fastest-growing occupations
    30. Women have a higher success rate of crowdfunding for their business than men do (Fundera, 2020)
    31. Med-Scribe receives thousands of job applications every year!
    32. Women on average receive $5,000 less for small business loans than men do (Fundera, 2020)
    33. Women make up 80% of healthcare buying decisions (Forbes, 2020)
    34. 33% of jobs in the healthcare industry are clinical (HireVue, 2018)
    35. Staffing agencies were first dated back to the 1940s after many positions were vacant following employees leaving for the war (Murray Resources, 2019)

Even we were surprised at some of these facts and stats! Being a small business is no easy feat, but it’s so rewarding knowing we’re helping fantastic individuals find meaningful careers. Cheers to many more years!